Experience Washington County
Washington County is known for its rugged coastline and beautiful scenery, but it is also a place with a long history and a proud heritage. Visit the events and locations highlighted to the right or join and explore the resources of the Washington County Historical & Genealogical Society.
The Washington County Historical and Genealogical Society is a group dedicated to historical preservation and genealogical research in Washington County, Maine. By working together historical societies, genealogists, and researchers can pool their limited resources, collaborate on larger scale projects, and promote each other’s work.
Read this attached book: A Story of the Washington County Unorganized Territories, prepared by John Dudley for Washington County Council of Governments March 2017.
Members will receive a quarterly newsletter Weirs & Woods, which features free queries, information and the exchange of genealogical material, in addition to news from the affiliating Washington County historical societies.
Membership in the WCHGS is open to anyone interested in learning more about their family genealogy and/or the history of Washington County and neighboring Charlotte County, New Brunswick.
Officers include: President, Betsy Fitzgerald of Bucks Harbor; Vice President, Celeste Sherman of Machiasport; Secretary, Valdine Atwood of Machias, and Treasurer, Carole Sprague of Marshfield.
Dues for individual members are $10 per year, payable to WCHGS and sent to Carole Sprague, 301 Ridge Road, Marshfield, ME 04654.
Historical societies can affiliate themselves with WCHGS by donating to the Society. All members who wish to receive a copy of Weirs & Woods are encouraged to email Celeste Sherman ([email protected]) or visit this page for the most recent copy.
Regular meetings of WCHGS will be on a quarterly basis. ‘Extra meetings’ could be held during the year at the approval of the membership.
Betsy Fitzgerald (President): [email protected]
Celeste Sherman (Vice President): [email protected]
Valdine Atwood (Secretary): [email protected]
Carole Sprague (Treasurer): [email protected]
Blueberry Festival
With tens of thousands of visitors annually, the Blueberry Festival attracts artists, crafters, and visitors from all over the United States to Machias and the surrounding communities. The festival is held on the third weekend in August and has drawn national attention over the years. A schedule of events, vendor list, and vendor application are available at the Machias Blueberry Festival website.
When: 3rd Weekend in August
Contact: Center Street Congregational Church
Phone: 255-6665
email: [email protected]
Bay of Fundy International Marathon
Held during the weekend on the fourth Sunday in June every year, this event has attracted runners from more than 30 different countries and has been tagged by various premier running magazines as “a small town wonder”, a “bucket list event for every Canadian runner”, and similar.
One of our unique features is that the event is organized jointly by the communities of Lubec and Campobello Island, Canada. Runners race across the international bridge between the USA and Canada without stopping, running from West Quoddy Head – the most easterly point in the USA – to East Quoddy Head at the northern tip of Campobello Island, and back to finish on the waterfront in Lubec.
More details are on our website at bayoffundymarathon.com
Bold Coast Byway
The Bold Coast Scenic Byway is Maine’s newest scenic byway that passes through coastal fishing villages and picturesque views of Washington County’s rocky coastline, blueberry barrens and expansive tidal flats. The route highlights the unique scenic, cultural and historic attributes of coastal Washington County.
Link to WVBB5 Chronicle video of Bold Coast.
For more information, please contact Heidi Nelson at 263-6787.
Down East Spring Birding Festival
The Down East Spring Birding Festival, held every Memorial Day Weekend, along Cobscook Bay, offers bird enthusiasts a unique opportunity to see a cross-section of area bird species during the spring migratory season. Birders can take guided tours, boat tours, or scout out the ideal birding habitat on their own.
When: Memorial Day Weekend
Contact: Cobscook Community Learning Center
Email: [email protected] | Tel: 733-2233
Eastport 4th of July Celebration
The Eastport Fourth of July Celebration runs in conjunction with “Old Home Week” and is organized by area volunteers. A 7 mile road race, blueberry pie eating contest, pet show, Fourth of July parade, and a cod fish relay race are some of the events that make this hometown Fourth of July celebration a treat for newcomers and longtime residents of the area. The evening is capped off with a spectacular fireworks display.
When: July 4
Contact: Eastport Fourth of July Committee
Email: [email protected]
Fort O’Brien
Now the site of a grade-school, the remnants of Fort O’Brien are still accessible today. The fort was destroyed in the American Revolution, and again in the War of 1812. The fort was restored and used during the Civil War.
Contact: Maine Bureau of Public Lands
Tel: 207-941-4014
Hours: call for hours, tours from Memorial Day thru Labor Day
Grand Lake Stream Folk Art Festival
Sponsored by local Grand Lake Stream Merchants, this festival features artists, craft-makers, and musicians of all types from all across the North East and Atlantic Canada.
When: Last full weekend in July
Contact: Grand Lake Stream Folk Arts Committee
Tel: 796-8199
Indian Days Celebration
Every August the Passamaquoddy Tribe at Pleasant Point holds Indian Days, a celebration of the Passamaqouddy way of life. Indian Days features traditional Native American dancing, canoe races, crafts, and a fireworks display.
When: early August
Contact: Passamaquoddy Tribe at Pleasant Point
Tel: 853-2600
International Homecoming Festival
International Homecoming Festival began in 1974 and continues to bring home family and friends to celebrate the friendship between the two international communities of St. Stephen, New Brunswick, Canada and Calais, Maine, USA.
During the festival, these two communities become one, hosting and attending events held on both sides of the border. Many enjoy the street fair, children’s games and activities, concerts, craft shows, and so much more, ending with the spectacular Duty Free Americas, Hardwicke’s Fireworks Display!
When: August
Contact: International Homecoming Festival Committee
[email protected]
Tel: 207-214-0565
Website: www.internationalhomecomingfestival.com
Machias Valley Farmers’ Market
Route 1 in Machias – on the dike across from Helen’s
Fridays & Saturdays & other days during peak of season 2015
9 AM – 1 PM
May through October
Maine Salmon Festival
Always the first weekend after Labor Day, the Maine Salmon Festival highlights Eastport’s rich history of salmon fishing. The festival features local artists and crafters, games, and special events including a motorcycle show. The festival is sponsored by the Eastport Area Chamber of Commerce and its corporate donors.
When: First Weekend after Labor Day
Contact: Eastport Area Chamber of Commerce
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 207-853-4644
Margaretta Days
In early June, the Machias area commemorates the Battle of the Margaretta, the first naval engagement of the Revolutionary War. Tours of Machias’s historical sites, a parade, a colonial dinner, and historical re-enactments of the famous battle are just a few of the festivities.
When: 2nd Saturday in June
Contact: Machias Historical Society
Email: [email protected]
Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge
The Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge is the easternmost point along the Atlantic Flyway — the path many of Washington County’s birds follow in spring and fall. The Refuge, maintained by the US Fish and Wildlife Service, covers nearly 24,500 acres of land and is broken into two divisions. One is located in Baring, while the other is located between Dennysville and Whiting.
Mooosehorn is more than just birds. Trails, fishing, hunting and wildlife observation/education are some of the many activities the public can enjoy at Moosehorn.
Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge
103 Headquarters Road 1
Baring, Maine 04694
Tel: 454-7161
Petit Manan National Wildlife Refuge
The Petit Manan National Wildlife Refuge contains 45 Islands along the Down East Coast, including Petit Manan, Cross Island, Seal Island, Franklin Island and Pond Island and covers over 7,000 acres of prime waterfowl nesting area. The Refuge offers environmental education programs, a photography area, hunting and wildlife observation areas to the public.
Petit Manan National Wildlife Refuge
PO Box 1375
Rockland, Maine 04841
Tel: 594-0600/546-2124
Roosevelt Campobello International Park
Located on Campobello Island across the bay from Lubec, the Roosevelt International Park is a cooperative effort between the Canadian and American Governments. The park hosts a visitor center and the summer cottage of President Franklin D Roosevelt, who enjoyed coming to the region during the 30s & 40s.
Contact: Roosevelt Campobello International Park
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 506-752-2922
Roosevelt Campobello International Park
PO Box 129
Lubec, Maine 04652
Ruggles House
The Ruggles House, located in Columbia Falls, was built by wealthy landowner Thomas Ruggles nearly 180 years ago. The house, known for its flying staircase, has undergone a series of renovations. Tours of the property, fully restored in its original Federal style, are conducted by members of the Ruggles Society.
Contact: Ruggles House Society
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 483-4637 or 546-7903
Ruggles House Society
PO Box 116
146 Main Street
Columbia Falls, Maine 04623
Scenic & Interpretive Trails
The Ice Age Trail
The Ice Age had a profound effect on the Maine landscape. This effect is most pronounced in the Downeast region, where a vast sheet of glacial ice sculpted Cadillac and surrounding mountains, carved out the Sommes Sound fjord, and left spectacular sand barrens. The Ice Age Trail is comprised of the finest and most accessible of these features.
Downeast Fisheries Trail
From Penobscot Bay to Cobscook Bay, the Downeast Fisheries Trail connects historic and active fisheries sites that illustrate the region’s maritime heritage. Marine resources sustain the culture and economy of Downeast Maine. The Downeast Fisheries Trail builds on these local resources to strengthen community life and the experience of visitors.
For more information about the project, website, email [email protected] or call 207.288.2944 x5834.
For a printed map-brochure of the Trail, please call 207.581.1435.
Sculpture Symposium Tour
Enjoy public art and Maine’s scenic vistas while you and your family visit the magnificent sculptures on the Symposium Sculpture Tour. These large-scale sculptures were created by world-class artists at the Schoodic International Sculpture Symposium and then permanently sighted in downeast Maine communities.
Contact: Schoodic International Sculpture Symposium
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 207-546-6992
Schoodic International Sculpture Symposium
PO Box 122
Steuben, Maine 04680
St. Croix Island International Historical Site
Established in 1604 by French explorer Samuel de Champlain, the St. Croix Island International Historical Site is known as one of the earliest colonial settlements in the New World. Four hundred years after Champlain’s visit, an interpretive center has been established by the American and Canadian governments.
Contact: St. Croix International Historical Site
Tel: 207-288-3338/454-3871 | Website
St. Croix International Historical Site
C/O Acadia National Park
PO Box 177
Bar Harbor, Maine 04609
The Burnham Tavern
Dating back to the American Revolution, the Burnham Tavern provided a meeting place for Machias area residents eager to break away from Great Britain. Now cared for by the Hannah Weston Chapter of the D.A.R, this national landmark is open for tours from June thru September.
Contact: Burnham Tavern Museum
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 207-255-6930 | Website
Burnham Tavern Museum
2 Free Street
Machias, Maine 04654
The Washington County Courthouse Heritage Center Museum and Genealogy Research Room
Open 9:30 am – 3:00 pm Wednesday, Thursday and Friday beginning Thursday, June 1, 2017. Phone call inquiries will be answered during open hours – 207-255-3127. Email inquiries to [email protected]
Following the opening of the Washington County Courthouse in May, 2016, two rooms located in the original section of the building were given over to the Courthouse Archives Committee. A large collection of Washington County genealogy research materials has been assembled. Among the materials are vital records, cemetery records, histories, and other materials devoted to Washington County towns, plantations and the Unorganized Territories. There is a large collection of hard-cover books on Maine towns and other states, particularly other New England states. In addition, there is a growing collection of books and manuscripts on Maine families. Rounding out the collections is an almost-complete set of Washington County historical societies’ newsletters, issues of Downeast Ancestry (complete with an index for easy reference), Second Boat, and the Essex County (Massachusetts) Genealogist.
The Museum grows with each passing day. Displayed are historical photos of some of the area towns, a four-glass-plate-negative compendium of Machias in 1921 taken from the less-populated side of the river, artifacts from a home in Addison (found in the wall), a Revolutionary War cannon ball found in Jonesport, and other items of historical interest. Centered in the room is a scale model of the Little River Lighthouse in Cutler, ME.
18.5 miles West Southwest of Machias
Incorporated February 14, 1797
PO Box 142 Addison, Maine 04606
Phone: 483-4678
Fax: 483-2153
M, TU, Thrs., Fri.: 8AM-4PM, Wed. – 8AM -6PM
email: [email protected]
30 miles north of Machias
Incorporated January 19, 1825
50 Cooper Road, Alexander, Maine 04694
Phone: 454-3011
Fax: 454-3011
M-Thurs: 8:30 AM 5:30 PM, Fri: 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM
Town Email: [email protected]
Board of Selectmen:
Edward Burgess
Ken Colson
Foster Carlow Jr.
Larry Hill
David Sanford
Town Officials
Clerk: Deanne Greenlaw
Tax Collector: Deanne Greenlaw
Treasurer: Deanne Greenlaw
Board of Assessors: Ken Colson, Larry Hill, Steven Knowles
35 Miles North of Machias
Incorporated February 19, 1828
PO Box 370 Baileyville, Maine 04694
Phone: 427-3442
Fax: 427-6200
M-F: 8AM – 4PM
40 Miles North/Northeast of Machias
Incorporated: January 19, 1825
80 Moosehorn Rd., Baring Plantation, ME 04694
Phone: 454-0065
Fax: 454-0028
Board of Selectmen:
Mark Hornbrook
Tina Erskine
Ray Faulkner
Town Officials:
Town Clerk: Mary McLellan
Tax Collector: Tammi Smith
Treasurer: Tammi Smith
20 Miles Southwest of Machias
Incorporated July 11, 1925
PO Box 189 Beals, Maine 04611
Phone: 497-2589
Fax: 497-2582
T-Th: 11AM-4PM
email: [email protected]
Board of Selectmen:
Daniel Davis
Mariner Bunker
Clara Smith
Town Officials:
Town Clerk: Terry Beal
Tax Collector: Terry Beal
Treasurer: Terry Beal
Board of Assessors: Shirley Beal, Natalie Beal, Debbie Kelley
44 Miles Northwest of Machias
Incorporated January 31, 1833
1923 Highway 193
Beddington, ME 04622
Phone/Fax: 638-2514
Office Hours: 2nd & 4th Mondays 9 — 11 AM; otherwise by appt.
Town email: [email protected]
Board of Selectmen:
Phil White
Ray Antwires
Ronald Varin
Town Officials:
Clerk: Carol Varin
Tax Collector: Dottie Cardarelli
Treasurer: Carol Varin
Board of Assessors: Phil White, Ray Antwires, Ronald Varin, Douglas Guy (Assessing Agent)
45 Miles Northeast of Machias
Incorporated June 16, 1809
PO Box 413 Calais, Maine 04619
Phone: 454-2521
Fax: 454-2757
M-F: 8AM-5PM
Email: [email protected]
35 miles Northeast of Machias
Incorporated January 19, 1825
PO Box 55, Pembroke, Maine 04666
Phone: 726-4490
Fax: 726-4047
Board of Selectmen:
Ernest James
Kenneth Carter
Robert Moholland
Town Officials
Town Clerk: Janice Scanlon
Tax Collector: Janice Scanlon
Treasurer: Angela Cook
Board of Assessors: Robert Moholland, Herbert Clark, Aaron Morris
30 miles West of Machias
Incorporated February 9, 1816
PO Box 58 Cherryfield, Maine 04622
Phone: 546-2376
Fax: 546-0927
M-F: 8:30 AM-4PM
Board of Selectmen:
Arthur Tatangelo
Richard Fickett
Clifford Perry
Robert Robinson
Denise York
Town Officials
Town Clerk: Mona West
Tax Collector: Mona West
Treasurer: Mona West
Board of Assessors: Clifford Perry, Mark Richmond, Arthur Tatangelo
40 miles North – Northwest of Calais
PO Box 66 Topsfield, Maine 04490
Phone: 796-2747
Fax: NA
Office Hours by Appointment
Board of Selectmen/Assessors:
Charles Harriman
Lloyd Monk
Town Officials:
Clerk: Tammy McLellan
Treasurer: Diana Harriman
Tax collector: Grace Monk
19 Miles West of Machias
106 Epping Road Columbia, Maine 04623
Phone: 483-2365
Fax: 483-9665
M-W: 8AM – 4PM; F: 8AM – 2PM
email: [email protected]
Board of Selectmen:
Harry Beal Jr.
Mark Howe
Kevin Lovejoy
Town Officials:
AA Selectmen/Clerk: Mary Ann Nichols
Tax Collector: Mary Ann Nichols
Treasurer: Mary Ann Nichols
Board of Assessors: Kevin Lovejoy, Harry Beal Jr., Mark Howe
16 Miles West of Machias
Incorporated March 25, 1863
PO Box 100 Columbia Falls, Maine 04623
Phone: 483-4067
Fax: 483-3825
M-Th: 8AM-4PM
email: [email protected]
Board of Selectmen:
Alan Grant
Jay Look
Todd Emerson
Town Officials:
AA to Selectmen/Clerk: Nancy Bailey
Tax Collector: Nancy Bailey
Treasurer: Lenora Weaver
Board of Assessors: Geraldine Moore, Dawn Robbins, Dale Smith
24 miles North of Machias
Incorporated February 6, 1822
223 Cooper Highway, Cooper, Maine 04657
Phone: 454-3901
Fax: None
Office Hours By Appointment
email: [email protected]
24 Miles North of Machias
Incorporated February 23, 1828
2252 Airline Road Crawford, Maine 04694
Phone: 454-7105
Fax: NA
Office Hours By Appointment
Board of Selectmen:
Coburn Wallace
Sherry McLeod
Tony Wallace
Town Officials:
Town Clerk: Susan Wallace
Tax Collector: Susan Wallace
Treasurer: Susan Wallace
Board of Assessors: Coburn Wallace, Valmond Roussel, Ronald McAlpine
18 miles East of Machias
Incorporated January 26, 1826
PO Box 236 Cutler, Maine 04626
Phone: 259-3693
Fax: 259-3693
M-Thurs: 9AM – 4PM
email: [email protected]
80 miles North – Northwest of Machias
Incorporated March 17, 1860
PO Box 117 Danforth, Maine 04424
Phone: 448-2321
Fax: 448-7231
M-F: 8AM-4PM
email: [email protected]
Board of Selectmen:
Greg Mailman
Everett Lee
Lorrie Shay
Town Officials:
Town Manager: Deborah Theriault
Clerk: Leta Lee
Tax Collector/Treasurer: Deborah Theriault
Assessor: Deborah Theriault
42 miles West – Northwest of Machias
Incorporated March 4, 1852
8 Lane Road Deblois Me, 04622
Phone/Fax: 638-3801
Office Hours: M: 9AM – 1PM & Th: 3-6PM
email: [email protected]
Board of Selectmen/Assessors:
Scott Reed
Travis Davis
Mark Harrington
Town Officials
Clerk: Kathy Willey
Tax Collector: Kathy Willey
Treasurer: Cindy Gray
Assessing Agent: Doug Guy
22 miles Northeast of Machias
Incorporated February 13, 1818
RR1 Box 70 Dennysville, Maine 04628
Phone: 726-5271
Fax: N/A
Office Hours: M: 1-5 or 3-7 (alternates each week), Tu: 4-6pm, W: 3-5pm, Th: 4-6, F: 8-9AM, 5-6PM
Board of Selectmen:
William Attick
Elmer Harmon
Mark Willis
Town Officials:
Town Clerk: Donna Jamieson
Tax Collector: Susan Corey
Treasurer: Bobbie Jo Brown
Board of Assessors: William Attick, Elmer Harmon, Mark Willis
4 miles Northeast of Machias
Incorporated January 24, 1826
PO Box 117 East Machias, Maine 04630-0117
Phone: 255-8598
Fax: 255-8480
M-Th: 8AM-4PM, F: 8AM-3:30PM
email: [email protected]
Board of Selectmen:
Kenneth R. Davis Jr.
Dale E. Richardson
Will Tuell
Town Officials:
Town Clerk: Meagan Tinker
Tax Collector: Meagan Tinker
Treasurer: Jessica Ackley
Board Of Assessors: Teresa Bragg, Juanita Davis, Susan Lovejoy
40 miles East – Northeast of Machias
Incorporated Feburary 24, 1798
78 High Street Eastport, Maine 04631
Phone: 853-2300
Fax: 853-4712
M-Th: 8AM – 4PM; F: 8AM – 3:30PM
57 Miles Northwest of Machias
Organized February 11, 1897
15 Water Street
Grand Lake Stream Plt, ME 04637
Phone: 796-2001
Fax: 796-6227
M-Tues: 10:30AM – 12:30 PM, Thurs: 5PM – 7PM
email: [email protected]
Town Officials:
Town Clerk: Joanne Tobey
Tax Collector: Joanne Tobey
Treasurer: Nan Sprague
Board Of Assessors: Louis Cataldo, Carl Williams, Elaine Brown
24 Miles West of Machias
Incorporated June 17, 1797
PO Box 142 Harrington, Maine 04643
Phone: 483-2061
Fax: 483-4683
Mon-Fri.: 8AM – 5PM
email: [email protected]
Board of Selectmen:
Michael Plummer
Glendon Carter
Joel Strout
Town Officials:
Town Clerk: Andrea Robbinson
Tax Collector/Treasurer: Andrea Robbinson
Board of Assessors: Joel Strout, Randall Burns, Michael Plummer
7 miles West of Machias
Incorporated March 4, 1809
PO Box 86 Jonesboro, ME 04648
Phone: 434-5141
Fax: 434-5142
M, W, Th, F: 8-4:30 PM; Tues: 10AM – 6PM
email: [email protected]
Town Selectmen:
Michael Schoppee
Mary Wilson
James W Varney
Town Officials:
Clerk: Wendy Schoppee
Tax Collector: Wendy Schoppee
Treasurer: Helen Snowdeal
Board Of Assessors: Charles Dorr, Fred Trafton, Stanley Smith
20 miles Southwest of Machias
Incorporated February 3, 1832
PO Box 489 Jonesport, Maine 04649
Phone: 497-5926
Fax: 497-5966
email: [email protected]
Board of Selectmen:
Billy Milliken
Dwight Alley
Harry Fish
Town Officials
AA to Selectmen: Sondra Alley
Town Clerk: Tonia Merchant
Tax Collector/Treasurer: Tonia Merchant
Board of Assessors: Jean Guptill, Dwight Alley, Holly Davis
28 Miles East Northeast of Machias
Incorporated June 21, 1811
40 School Street Lubec, Maine 04652
Phone: 733-2341
Fax: 733-4737
Mon: 10AM – 4PM, Tues, Weds, Fri: 10AM – 4PM, Thurs: 12PM – 6PM
Town’s Website
Washington County Seat
Incorporated June 23, 1784
PO Box 418 Machias, Maine 04654
Phone: 255-6621
Fax: 255-6492
M-F: 9AM-4PM
email: [email protected]
Board of Selectmen:
Aubrey “Skip” Carter
Warren Gay
Les Haynes
Josh Rolfe
James Whalen
Town Officials:
Town Manager: Christina Therrien
Town Clerk: Sandra Clifton
Tax Collector/Treasurer: Chris Loughlin
Four miles southeast of Machias
Incorporated January 24, 1826
PO Box 267 Machiasport, Maine 04655
Phone: 255-4516
Fax: 255-6841
Office Hours: M-F 8AM – 4PM
email: [email protected]
Board of Selectmen/Assessors:
Brian Smith
Charles Ingalls
Jeff Davis
Town Officials:
Clerk: Donna Jean Metta
Tax Collector: Marlene Sprague
Treasurer: Donna Jean Metta
Two miles north of Machias
Incorporated June 30, 1846
187 Northfield Road
Marshfield, Maine 04654
Phone: 255-4779
Fax: 255-6012
Tue & Thurs: 10AM – 4PM; W: 10-6; Fri: 9AM – 12 noon
email: [email protected]
Town Selectmen:
Wayde Carter
Jeff Ingemi
Nils Whitman
Town Officials:
Town Clerk: Joline Sprague
Tax Collector: Joline Sprague
Treasurer: Minchen Smith
Board Of Assessors: Douglas Guy, Christopher Sprague, Alexandra Mickelinc
35 miles north-northeast of Machias
Incorporated February 20, 1841
PO Box 849, Meddybemps, ME 04657
Phone: 454-0065
Fax: 454-0028
M-Thurs: 9AM – 4:30 PM; F: 9AM – 1PM
email: [email protected]
Board of Selectmen:
Peter Trouant
Carl Gordon
Melisa Winchester
Town Officials:
Clerk: Tammi J Smith
Tax Collector: Tammi J Smith
Treasurer: Tammi J Smith
Assessing Agent: Doug Guy
30 miles south southwest of Machias
Incorporated July 14, 1848
PO Box 66, Milbridge, Maine 04658
Phone: 546-2422
Fax: 546-2967
M-F: 8AM – 4PM
email: [email protected]
Board of Selectmen:
Eric Beal
Monica Bell
Alton West
Town Officials
Town Manager: Lewis Pinkham
Town Clerk: Brienne Fraser
Treasurer: Lewis Pinkham
Tax Collector: Brienne Fraser
Board Of Assessors: Ramona Phinney, Monica Bell, Andy Wilson
10 miles north northwest of Machias
Incorporated March 21, 1838
Board of Selectmen:
Keith Quint
Dwight Carver
Lori Cole
Town Officials:
Clerk: Lee Ann Maloney
Tax Collector: Victoria Boone
Treasurer: Lee Ann Maloney
Board Of Assessors: Mary Anne Clancy
28 miles northeast of Machias
Incorporated February 4, 1832
PO Box 247, Pembroke, Maine 04666
Phone: 726-2036
Fax: 726-2036
Board of Selectmen:
Milan Jamieson
Allan Pulk
Joyce Johnson
Town Officials:
Clerk: Janice Scanlon
Tax Collector: Janice Scanlon
Treasurer: Tammy Pulk
Board Of Assessors: Milan Jamieson, Allan Pulk, Joyce Johnson
36 miles northeast of Machias
Incorporated February 12, 1818
PO Box 430 Perry, Maine 04667
Phone: 853-4161
Town’s Website
40 miles north of Machias
Incorporated February 3, 1832
PO Box 408 Princeton, Maine 04668
Phone: 796-2744
Fax: 796-5664
Hours: M 9-4, T 10-4, W 10-4, Th 10-4, F 9-4
email: [email protected]
Board of Selectmen:
Scott Carle, Chairman
Doreen Wallace, Vice Chair
Jason Theriault
Steven Cilley
John Leighton, Road Inspector
Town Officials:
Tax Collector/Treasurer – Donna Worden
Town Clerk – Wendy Goodwin
35 miles northeast of Machias
Incorporated February 18, 1811
935 Ridge Road Robbinston, Maine 04671
Phone: 454-3220
Monday: 7-9 AM, Tuesday: 4:30-6:30PM
email: [email protected]
Board of Selectmen:
Tom Moholland
Jon Stanhope
Kevin Murray
Town Officials:
Clerk: Cathy Footer
Tax Collector: Cathy Footer
Treasurer: Cathy Footer
Board Of Assessors: Tom Moholland, Jon Stanhope, Kevin Murray
7 miles south of Machias
Incorporated March 12, 1891
3 Roque Bluffs Road, Roque Bluffs, Maine 04654
Phone: 255-3330
Fax: 255-3330
M: 8AM – 12PM; 2-6PM | T-TH: 8-4
email: [email protected]
Board of Selectmen:
Lisa Hanscom
Owen Moody
Valerie Preston
Town Officials:
Town Clerk: Carla Wood
Tax Collector: Carla Wood
Treasurer: Carla Wood
Board of Assessors: Valerie Preston, Jimmy Clark, Ken Getchell
36 miles west southwest of Machias
Incorporated February 27, 1795
294 US Route 1, Steuben, Maine 04680
Phone: 546-7209
Fax: 546-7538
M-F: 8AM – 4PM, W: 8AM – 6PM
email: [email protected]
Board of Selectmen:
Chris Bell
Dennis Sargent Sr.
David Glass
Town Officials:
Clerk: Julie Ginn
Tax Collector: Julie Ginn
Treasurer: Julie Ginn
30 miles north of Calais
Incorporated February 8, 1875
47 Talmadge Road, Talmadge, ME 04492
Phone: 448-9388
Fax: 448-9388
Board of Selectmen:
Gail Thornton
Brenda Metcalf
William Johnson
Town Officials:
Clerk: Linda Cropley
Tax Collector: Paula Phelps
Treasurer: Linda Cropley
Board Of Assessors: Gail thornton, Brenda Metcalf, William Johnson
36 miles north of Calais
Incorporated February 24, 1838
PO Box 59 Topsfield, Maine 04490
Phone/Fax: 796-5157
M-W, F: 8AM – 12PM, M: 6:30PM – 8:30PM
email: [email protected]
Town Selectmen:
Rickey Irish
Jeffrey Harriman
Curtis Rushton
Town Officials:
Clerk: Tammy McLellan
Tax Collector: Tammy McLellan
Treasurer: Eva Severance
Board Of Assessors: Rickey Irish, Jeffrey Harriman, Curtis Rushton
59 miles north of Calais
Incorporated March 4, 1874
PO Box 24 Vanceboro, Maine 04491
Phone: 788-3999
email: [email protected]
Board of Selectmen:
Harold Jordan
Corinna Croppley
Michelle Osborne
Town Officials:
Town Clerk: Louise Labossiere
Tax Collector: Cindy Scott
Treasurer: Louise Labossierre
Board of Assessors: Harold Jordan, Corinna Cropley, Michelle Osborne
39 miles north of Calais
Incorporated 1876
email: [email protected]
Board of Selectmen/Assessors:
Tim Crowe
Robert Tibbetts
Bradley Potter
Town Officials:
Clerk: Beth Dwelley
Tax Collector: Diane Crowe
Treasurer: Diane Crowe
20 miles northwest of Machias
Incorporated January 24, 1833
2 Whining Pines Drive, Wesley, Maine 04686
Phone: 255-0941
Office Hours by Appointment
Board of Selectmen:
Glen Durling
Dick Carlow
Ron Hawkins
Town Officials:
Town Clerk: Dana Porter
Tax Collector: Dana Porter
Treasurer: Dana Porter
Board of Assessors: Philip Durling, Alan Curtis, Ron Hawkins
Website is https://sites.google.com/site/wesleyevents/wesley-community-events
Town Clerk’s email is [email protected]
17 miles northeast of Machias
Incorporated February 15, 1825
PO Box 101 Whiting, Maine 04691
Phone: 733-2027
Fax: 733-2027
M, W, F: 8AM – 5PM
Website is http://www.whitingmaine.com/
Email address is [email protected]
Board of Selectmen:
Board of Selectmen:
Janice Bronson
Steve Pressley
Mary Alice Look
Town Officials:
Clerk: Caron Kilton
Tax Collector: Caron Kilton
Treasurer: Caron Kilton
Board Of Assessors: Steven Pressley II, Alvin Hall, Harry Stevens
Incorporated February 10, 1845
42 South Main Street Whitneyville, ME 04654
Phone/Fax: 255-4662
Office Hours: Sat. 9-11 AM
Nathan Pennell
Judy Spencer
Traci Murphy
Town Officials:
Clerk: Pat Brightly
Tax Collector: Lori Nehrings
Treasurer: Lori Nehrings
Assessing Agent: Doug Guy
Website is www.whitneyvilleme.com
Tow Clerk’s email is [email protected]